Sunday, 11 September 2011

Goodbye NZ

Well I’m finally off. It’s a strange feeling after planning a trip for so long. I’ve been feeling pretty calm about the whole thing until I encountered a crazy hairdresser yesterday  who spent more time asking if I was nuts to be going to India on my own than cutting my hair. His comments were along the lines of “What? You’re going alone? And you have blue eyes and blonde hair? Well good luck with that.” And “you better get some more of those diahorrea tablets because, trust me, you’re going to need them.”

Apart from that I’m off to a good start. Quite looking forward to escaping New Zealand for a few weeks and if I never had to write the words Rugby World Cup again, I wouldn’t complain.  I already have a stack of library fines for taking off with the lonely planet book and a bunch of Learn Hindi CDs but hey, I figure I’ll need them.

 I also figure that, seeing as this is my first ever blog post, it might be a good idea to figure out exactly why I’m going.

·         India is a place I’ve always wanted to see and my grandmother has told me of the country’s mind-boggling diversity

·         I have a genuine desire to explore and understand how other people live

·         The media has the power to do a lot of good and so writing stories of about positive people making changes and improving the lives of others deserves coverage

·         I think this journey will also open my eyes further to the extent of NZ Aid operations and I hope to see exactly where some of the money goes

·         One of the families I plan to interview comes from Albany so I’m curious to see what motivated them to go and live in India

·         And finally, I just love travelling and I love writing!

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