Saturday, 24 September 2011

Television highlights from New Delhi

Now that I’m in Delhi and I have the luxury of TV again, I’ve decided to compile the top three highlights of Sky TV in India and the Bollywood channels:

1.       There’s an ad which plays frequently promoting Kelloggs All Bran Cereal. The ad starts off with a housewife who looks tired and she doesn’t have the energy to find her husband’s socks. But after a bowl full of All Bran, with the goodness of fibre, she is smiley and radiant and is now happy to chase around after her spouse! Seriously?? This is the 21st century. Find your own socks!

2.       A hilarious programme screens on the UTV Bindass channel called Super Stud. As the name suggests, it’s a reality TV show where young Indian studs strive to impress the ladies. Last night’s stunt was pole dancing and it was very entertaining. After a practice session, the four finalist studs take turns to perform for a party full of women. A very serious judging process follows and then one super stud is voted off. Oh the drama!!

3.       Thirdly there are ads for both men and women respectively which promote “fairness creams”. After a few applications, the creams are meant to lighten the skin tone. Is it cool to be pale? What’s wrong with the lovely natural skin colour that Indian people have? Is this the flipside of self-tanning creams that Kiwis can buy to disguise their pasty skin? Why aren't people ever happy with what they've got?


  1. yeah! i agree you all said if Indian govt. gave me money or you say fund to travel europe i'll 1st opt your country,

  2. hehe! you imagined India of a Gandhi but it is far from it. In next civilization i presumed your continent is like India and mine will be a US

  3. well! enjoy make report on India and earn big bucks!

  4. At last well u guys are pretty good love ur life style, hard rock music & bikni clad women
